Science Behind PI

Predictive Index provides scientifically-validated framework, science-backed insights to optimize talent, align teams, and drive success.

Years of Science
57 M+
Assessments Administered
383 +
Validity Studies
70 +
Validated Languages
Evidence-Based Validation

The reliability of PI assessments is grounded in decades of rigorous research

  • Over 30 years of validation through 400+ studies on job performance.

  • Insights drawn from over 25,000 employees across 120 unique job roles.

  • Significant relationships (94% of cases) between PI metrics and job success.
Science-Backed HR Software

Excellence in Psychometric Science

The Predictive Index integrates psychometrics—scientific methods for measuring human traits—into its suite of tools:

  • Behavioral Assessment for understanding workplace behaviors.

  • Cognitive Assessment for measuring problem-solving capabilities.

  • Strategy and Employee Experience Surveys for holistic organizational insights.

Adherence to professional guidelines and standards

To minimize risks and ensure reliability, PI assessments adhere to leading global guidelines and frameworks. The Predictive Index methodology and its scientifically validated assessments comply with:

American Pscyholigical Association The science behind pi
EEOC The science behind pi
DNV GL The science behind pi
International Test Commission The science behind pi

Reliability as a Cornerstone

The PI Assessments, including the PI Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments, have demonstrated good test-retest reliability, meaning their scores remain stable over time. Studies show these assessments have acceptable internal consistency and reliability, with scores typically meeting or exceeding a reliability level of 0.70. This makes them reliable tools when used alongside other applicant information for recruitment and talent management decisions.

Validity Research

Clients are generally focused on criterion-related validity, which shows how assessment results correlate with job performance or workplace behaviors. The PI Behavioral Assessment has been involved in over 400 studies since 1992, demonstrating strong connections with various performance measures and behaviors across different roles, job levels, and industries.

Criterion Validity

The PI Behavioral Assessment is positively related to job performance.

The PI Cognitive Assessment measures cognitive ability.

The PI Behavioral Assessment covers the content domain of adult work-related personality.

The questions on the PI Cognitive Assessment appear to require cognitive ability.

The Science Behind PI cover The science behind pi

Learn how Predictive Index’s scientifically validated tools help businesses make informed decisions, optimize talent strategies, and drive measurable results.

Case Studies

Customer Success Stories


Nissan uncovers $90M revenue loss and 92% sales success through PI tools.


DocuSign reduces attrition, boosts sales by 21%, and grows 250% with PI Behavioral Assessment


Suburban Propane cuts turnover to 9%, Achieving 12-year executive tenure, and managing 12+ acquisitions through PI talent optimization solutions.


Nissan uncovers $90M revenue loss and 92% sales success through PI tools.


DocuSign reduces attrition, boosts sales by 21%, and grows 250% with PI Behavioral Assessment


Suburban Propane cuts turnover to 9%, Achieving 12-year executive tenure, and managing 12+ acquisitions through PI talent optimization solutions.